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Every year thousands of travel agencies are opened. By the end of the first year, about 70% of them are being closed, in two years only 7-10% of companies continue to work, until three years they survive one. Despite this, the sphere of tourism business continues to expand, remaining one of the most attractive for non-professional investors.

Working travel companies are divided into two categories: operators and agents.

Tour operators produce what is called a touarist product: they buy rooms in hotels, book charter flights, plan tours and sightseeing routes, organize meetings, etc.

Agencies sell products of operators, being, as a matter of fact, retail sellers. And they do not receive profit due to an arbitrarily set retail margin, but at the expense of commissions received from operators, which amount to approximately 10% of the cost of the tour. Recently, many agencies in the struggle for the client reduce the size of their commission, selling tours at lower prices. Relations between travel agencies and operator companies are built on the basis of commission contracts, agency contracts by type of assignment, as well as mixed contracts, which include elements of the contract of commission and the provision of paid services.

The specificity of purchasing current travel agencies is that the bulk of their value is formed at the expense of an intangible asset; lease rights, cost of office equipment, etc. are not more than 20% of the price. But the investor buys a company that has already decided all the organizational issues that determined its market niche, which proved its effectiveness and ability to make a profit. Let's repeat: the last indicator varies depending on a season and makes on the average 5 thousand dollars a month during a season of holidays and 1,5-3 thousand dollars in other months. It should be noted that the newly established agency, as a rule, enters such indicators only in the second year of its existence.Usually the cost of a small travel agency sold on the open market does not exceed 35-40 thousand dollars.

Investments pay off in 6-10 months. A large travel agency, bringing in $ 15-20 thousand a month, will cost 280-300 thousand dollars; the status of a network company can increase the cost of business by 1-2 thousand dollars. The offer in this area is quite large, but despite this, in the last few months the demand for operating travel agencies far exceeds the offer. As a rule, investors are private individuals who consider the purchase of such a firm as a method of profitable investment.

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Program review

Most investors who try to earn on the fluctuations of the Bitcoin, have substantial damages, due to the fact that they do not possess the necessary knowledge and experience with cryptocurrencies.

The investment company BITORION LIMITED was created by experienced traders who have decided to unite to organize a successful trade and production (mining) cryptocurrency of Bitcoin. The company has its official activities and was registered in the UK in 2018.


Today we focus on active development and namely we expand the staff, introduce new trading strategies and Bitcoin mining, and also cooperate with private investors.

We try not only to increase the total profitability of the company, but also to minimize risks that occur in the business on specialized exchanges Bitcoin.

The company`s profit is generated through trade of cryptocurrency Bitcoin and mining, so even in the case of price’s plunge of this digital currency, we cover the unsuccessful trading operations with the profit obtained from mining.

BITORION LIMITED works successful and provides an opportunity to have access to a stable and sufficient income for each investor, irrespective of the size of its capital.

All the work associated with trade and mining Bitcoin will be carried by our Company that you could just invest and get fair profits.a

Scam Alert 

Now this cheater is a little more intelligent than most of his peers in the dark world as he created a more realistic variable hourly plan but the dead give-away is the name, web design and the number of monitors that it has.

The name should be losing as this is surely in the mind of this HYIP Admin as he steals your hard-earned money. Beware of this HYIP, dear online viewers. The name in itself should already be triggering warning bells in your brain by now.

Web design is as boring as ever with dull images.

With an almost convincing rates, at least he could have more than 2 Monitors to show as paying to make the site somewhat real. Besides, will you allow only one Monitor to convince you that the site pays? Are you really that impatient to lose your money to this crook? If yes, then just give them to beggars instead to help those in need – not to help those with greed.

So next time you see sites with:

  • Suspicious site name - SCAM !
  • Crappy web design – SCAM !!
  • 2 Monitors only - SCAM !!! is seriously committed to fight against epidemic spread of false High Yield Investment Program (also known as HYIP)sinceyou will definitelylose your hard-earned cash if scammers are not detected. We seriously warn that wrong investment can totally ruinyour current financial situation.

To prepare yourself for the scam attacks, Due Diligence must be enforced by reading, making thorough research and review the program you are interested in. Make use of every tool and information found in and ask in the Group Chat before making that Final Investment Decision.

Better to be vigilant than be sorry in the end.

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Program info

PLANS: 1%-1.3% per hour







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Total: $0.00

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